Optimising rubber seal performance: common problems and solutionsRead MoreOptimising rubber seal performance: common problems and solutions
Exploration of mining machinery vibration problems and solutionsRead MoreExploration of mining machinery vibration problems and solutions
Application of non-metallic shock absorbers in mining machineryRead MoreApplication of non-metallic shock absorbers in mining machinery
Several common types of rubber shock absorbersRead MoreSeveral common types of rubber shock absorbers
How does a mixer manufacturer choose components such as wear pads, bearing-coated wheels, etc.?Read MoreHow does a mixer manufacturer choose components such as wear pads, bearing-coated wheels, etc.?
Kubis scrapers, with their excellent corrosion resistance, are well-suited for use in harsh environments.Read MoreKubis scrapers, with their excellent corrosion resistance, are well-suited for use in harsh environments.
Maximize efficiency and minimize downtime with our high-quality polyurethane scrapers.Read MoreMaximize efficiency and minimize downtime with our high-quality polyurethane scrapers.
Experience the difference with our compressed air seal. It's more than a seal; it's a solutionRead MoreExperience the difference with our compressed air seal. It's more than a seal; it's a solution
Polyurethane spraying products are widely used in the industrial field.Read MorePolyurethane spraying products are widely used in the industrial field.
Advantages of Kubis polyurethane elastomers VS plastics and common rubbersRead MoreAdvantages of Kubis polyurethane elastomers VS plastics and common rubbers
Kubis polyurethane elastomers are competitive with metalsRead MoreKubis polyurethane elastomers are competitive with metals